About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Photo of the Day: Fiscal Treaty Dead End?

An ironically placed election poster urging the no vote behind a sign for a dead end "cul de sac" (Thomas Fitzgerald) I thought this was a funny and somewhat coincidental juxtaposition of subjects. The "Cul De Sac" sign for a dead end against an election poster for the upcoming fiscal treaty referendum here  in Ireland. For those not familiar with elections and referenda here in Ireland, every time the public gets to vote every street light, and upstanding pole or other suitable vertical mounting point gets covered in the infamous "Election Poster". They're all pretty much the same size and all with the same bite sized anecdote that is supposed to sway your vote. While I'm sure that there's an argument that it's democracy at work, they're a bit of an eyesore. Anyway, I was out for a walk with my camera so I thought I'd have a bit of fun with it. I've started gathering some more photos of them into a gallery and they're available for licence for editorial purposes.

For the fellow photo geeks out there this was taken on the Fuji X-Pro 1 with 60mm lens and a black and white version was made using Silver Efex Pro2

Photo of the Day: Joggers in Marley Park

Some Images taken with the Fuji 60mm and the X-Pro1