About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Aperture Gets Fuji X-Trans Support. XE1, X-Pro 1, X100s and X20 Raw Files Now Supported

Camera raw

Well, I'll be darned! I honestly didn't think this was ever going to happen, but Apple have finally added X-Trans RAW support for Aperture (and iPhoto). The latest camera RAW update just popped up in Mountain Lion's software update panel. I'm downloading it now, and once I have a chance to play around with it, I'll write a full report, but it's great news for Fuji users who like Aperture. 

More to come!

A Very Quick first look at Aperture's X-Pro1 / XE1 Raw Support

Lightroom 5 Public Beta Released