About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

A Photowalk Through A Sunny Dublin City - Part 1

A Photowalk Through A Sunny Dublin City - Part 1


Pretty Georgian Doors When it comes to street photography sometimes you set out to take photos with a theme, or a project in mind. Other times it's best to just see where the winds of inspiration will take you. Last week, on a sunny Saturday afternoon I decided to embrace the latter option. I headed into the city and set my point of origin at Harcourt Street, and just started walking. Saturday is a good time to take photos in the Georgian quarter of Dublin because it's usually pretty quiet, but not so quiet that it's boring. If you want completely deserted, go for a Sunday morning! Anyway, I started my journey at the Luas stop on Harcourt street and and began walking towards Leeson street and down onto Bagott Street, keeping an eye out for anything wacky or interesting along the way. Dublin never fails to provide the wacky and interesting. You just need to keep your eyes open.

Hash Bike Closeup

Hash Bike

Rounding the corner onto Leeson Street there was this interesting bike. Someone is a fan of either Bob Marley, or hemp related products. Or Sandwiches. I just liked it for the colurs!


On Bagott Street there is this gorgeous little old antiques shop. I used to pass it every day when I worked in the area and the window is a treasure trove of curiosities. I snapped these two little statues proudly defending a Guinness sign!

Moving on I headed across and into Stephen's Green. Here the summer sunshine had caused the Daisy population to explode. It was quite pretty in the dappled sunshine so I stopped to try and get some shots from low down.


The light was probably a little harsh, but anyway. When in the green, you have to take a shot of the band stand. I have dozens if not hundreds of shots of this. Between the constantly changing light and the fact that they are always changing the flowers around it, it always looks different. I could probably do a whole exhibition of bandstand photos.

Stephen's Green Bandstand

Moving on I headed down the back streets towards the river. I wanted to avoid Grafton Street because it was busy and it was also getting a bit monotonous, as I had been shooting street photography a lot there recently, and it's a bit too easy. Mind you, I ended going back that way anyway.


These folks were getting very excited by something outside the Clarendon.

I ended up crossing Dame street and heading down to Temple Bar. The city was a hive of activity that day, and there were lots of tourists milling about. This hapless group seemed perplexed by the options around them...


Temple bar was the usual hive of activity. The main square has become a regular market place for books and other knick knacks and it's always full of interesting characters.

Hand in Hand

The main point of interest on a Saturday in temple bar though has to be the farmers market in the Meeting House Square. Farmers markets are always great photo opportunities, especially if you like colour and texture.

Bread Stand Bread Farmers Market Olives Spuds

I saw a few other another quirky things in Temple bar too while I was there...

Shop Sign

I thought this sign was quite clever.

Pram Sign

I love this little advertisement for the shop behind it too. I've passed this loads of times and it's a great combination of worn weathered textures and beautiful bold colours. (I was on a colour and texture kick that day - just in case that wasn't obvious by now!)

From here I left temple bar and headed down to the Liffey, but more on that in part two tomorrow!

If you are wondering, these were all shot using a Sony Nex-7 and a combination of the Sigma 30mm and the Sony 50mm 1.8. I'll have some more on the technical details in Tomorrows post! If you like this what we're doing here on the blog, don’t forget to Subscribe to the RSS Feed, or check out my Google Plus and Facebook Pages





A Photowalk Through Sunny Dublin - Part 2

A Photowalk Through Sunny Dublin - Part 2

Quick & Dirty Food Photography with the Fujifilm XE1

Quick & Dirty Food Photography with the Fujifilm XE1