About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Raindrops Macro - And Some Free Wallpapers!

Raindrops Macro - And Some Free Wallpapers!


I happened to be walking by some overgrowth after a rain shower over the weekend and I luckily had my trusty macro lens attached to my camera. So, while it might be something of a cliche, I couldn't help but stop and take some nice pictures of the droplet covered leaves close up. I love simple things like this. They might not be award winning photographs or anything close, but seeing nature in detail like this always brings a smile to my face! Anyway, as they make nice desktop wallpapers, and as it's a dreary monday, you can find the link to download some large versions for use as a wallpaper at the end of the post! Happy monday! Raindrops Macro Raindrops Macro Raindrops Macro

For those interested in the technical information, these were taken with my Nikon D700 and an old macro lens that I got second hand. Despite being quite an old lens, it works really well, and I love the images I get from that lens.

Click here to download the large versions of these images for use as your desktop wallpaper.

These are being provided for personal use only. Not to be used  for commercial use or for prints. To purchase a commercial license or to buy prints click here.

Totally Rad Replichrome: A First Look

Totally Rad Replichrome: A First Look

Fuji XE1 + VSCO Film 4: A Quick Review

Fuji XE1 + VSCO Film 4: A Quick Review