About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Winter Light

Winter Light

I love how the light changes throughout the seasons. Every season has it's own quality of light, and it makes images taken during that time unique. It also depends on where you are in the world, as different latitudes, and even different places on the same latitude can have differing characteristics to the light. Here in Ireland, because we're fairly far north, our seasons vary dramatically throughout the year. While not as much as countries like Norway, we do get significantly different light in winter than we do in summer. 

I love the light in winter in Ireland. Today as I write this, it's not so nice, because the weather can be pretty horrid here during winter too, but on a clear November, December or January day in Ireland, the light can be almost magical. The combination of the low winter sun and the deep blue sky make for some beautiful golden light and gorgeous cool shadows. I've written before about how much I like the light in Autumn too, but the winter sun is my favourite to shoot in. The fact that sunny days in winter can sometimes be few and far between make it even more special. 

I make jokes about the weather, and certainly this year, the weather has been pretty wet and miserable, but winters are usually not too bad here. In the past there's been lots of sunshine amid the rain. We don't get that much snow here either, although a few years ago there was a pretty big snow storm, and we were covered for a week. I haven't gotten out too much yet this year, but here are some images of the beautiful winter light in Ireland over the last few years. Enjoy. 

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