About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Random Acts of Photography - Daffodil Edition

Random Acts of Photography - Daffodil Edition

I've been a bit quiet, photographically speaking, over the last week or two. I've been busy working on some design jobs, so I haven't updated the site here as much as I would like. I keep telling myself that I won't neglect the photography blog every time I take on some design or animation work, but I usually end up working long hours on it and things slide.

Anyway, as it's a beautiful spring day here in Dublin, here are some daffodil shots to celebrate the changing of the seasons. Some of these were taken near where I live on a little walkway that runs by a stream. Others are from various locations around Dublin. Feel free to download them and use as a wallpaper if you want. 

I shot a little video too. I was going for a walk and I happened to have my A6000 with me when I passed a patch of the yellow and green flowers, so I shot some video as well as pictures. Nothing special, just some nice relaxing flowers for a sunny Monday morning!

Some Updates

Some Updates

Fujifilm Film Simulation Presets for Iridient Developer

Fujifilm Film Simulation Presets for Iridient Developer