About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Recent VSCO Cam Shots

Recent VSCO Cam Shots

When Photos for OS X finally launched, one of the nice things about it is that it effectively makes a copy of the library on your iPhone, including all the albums you might have. I never really paid much attention to the albums in Photos on my iOS devices, as I never actually created any albums in it. However, some apps do and those albums are synced over too. One of those is for VSCO cam images that you save back to your camera roll from the VSCO cam app.

Seeing these on my computer I realise that I'd collected quite a few images recently, ever since upgrading to an iPhone 6 plus, and it was good to see them all together. Anyway, here's a selection of some recent shots. These were all processed on the iPhone using VSCO cam, and exported from Photos on OS X. I did bring them into Lightroom for a little bit of tweaking, but also to add a watermark, as that seems to be one of the many features missing from the Photos app.

You can see more of my VSCO cam images on my Grid page.

Lightroom CC announced

Lightroom CC announced

Some Updates

Some Updates