About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Milestones & Journeys

Milestones & Journeys

Over the past week I've reached two very important milestones, both here on the blog and in my photography journey. First of all, my new e-book on processing X-Trans files in Iridient Developer has become the fastest selling book that I've released to date! Secondly, my humble little blog has passed the million viewer mark!

X-Trans Guides

I want to thank everyone for the great response to the launch of my Iridient Developer guide. I wasn't sure how well it would be received, but it looks like there was quite a bit of pent up demand for something on the software. I'm really grateful to everyone for your support. I put as lot of work into it, and I'm glad it's paid off. I really hope it will help those of you using the software to get the most from your Fuji X-Trans files. I now have three Fuji guides available, and between them, they're selling faster than my Aperture book did, and that was done by a professional publisher!

Up next on the e-book front, is the first revision of the Lightroom X-Trans guide. This will be a free update, and I'm planning on adding a good bit of content, including some preliminary notes on the X-Pro 2. I'm also going to add some more to the guide about working with Jpegs too.


If you've bought any of my guides and you want to send me feedback, please do so. I would love to hear from you, and If you have any requests for information that you would like to be included in future versions, please let me know that too. I would also like to hear from anyone who as bought the Iridient Developer guide. I took a slightly different approach with that, so I would like to know if it's worked for you, and if it's helped you understand the software a little better. If you want to send feedback, please email me directly or use the contact form. Please don't leave it in the comments, because I often don't get notified of new comments, and I'd like to make sure I get your input.

One Million

I was looking on my web stats the other day, and I just noticed that I was almost at the 1 million mark for cumulative viewers. A few hours later I went back and realised that I had passed it. I know in the grand scheme of things, that's probably not a lot, especially compared to some other websites, but I'm pretty chuffed. It's a big milestone for me, and it's a nice piece of validation for what I've been doing here.

So once again, thank you to everyone for your continued support. I love writing and sharing on this blog, and I hope I can keep doing it for years to come. It's pretty much my full time job now (combined with the he books and presets), or at least 75% of it, and so it means a lot to me that so many people come back to keep reading my photographic ramblings. I have some interesting plans and topics ahead, so stay tuned!

Help Support the Blog

If you want to get regular updates, and notices of occasional special offers, and discounts from my store, then please sign up for the Newsletter.

All of the work I do here, and the information on this blog is done entirely free of charge and takes up quite a bit of work. I want to spend more and more time on this blog, and offer more and more of this kind of information, tips and so on, so If you like what I'm doing here and want to show support, then you can do so by buying something from my Digital Download Store

I have Lightroom Presets, Photoshop ACR Presets, Textures and e-books all available for download.

If you're a Fuji X-Trans shooter and Lightroom user, check out my guide to post processing X-Trans files in Lightroom. I also have a guide for processing X-Trans files in Capture One

The Difference a Good Lens Makes

The Difference a Good Lens Makes

Trying out Medium

Trying out Medium