About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Introducing SilverLUX - Black and White Styles for Capture One

Introducing SilverLUX - Black and White Styles for Capture One

Capping off what seems to have become Capture One week here on the blog, I’m pleased to announce that my first set of Styles for Capture One is now available. Called “SilverLUX”, it’s a set of 25 Black and White Styles. The set also comes with 20 film grain presets. People have been asking me for a while to create some Capture One styles, and so I’m delighted to be finally able to release them.

This is my first foray into creating style packs for Capture One, and I chose to go with some black and white looks first as the black and white presets are my most popular Lightroom ones. If there is a demand I will definitely be releasing more in the future, and I have some nice colour ones in development too.

The set is compatible with Capture One Pro 9 or 10 and should also work with Capture One Pro for Sony (Although not the express version). Because installing styles and presets can be a little tricky for Capture One, the set comes with an extensive read-me file to tell you how to do it. I have also created a series of short videos which outline the process of installing and using Silver LUX.

SilverLUX will sell for €10 but for the Launch it will be just €8 (Note that that price includes VAT - depending on your location the price may change slightly to reflect local Vat rates) You can find out more about these Styles on the Silver LUX product pages, including more of examples of SilverLUX. In the mean time here are a few examples of the Styles in use:

Mac Fuji Shooters: Iridient X-Transformer available now!

Mac Fuji Shooters: Iridient X-Transformer available now!

Guest Post: Capture One Slow Closing Bug and Possible Solutions

Guest Post: Capture One Slow Closing Bug and Possible Solutions