About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Street Photography Pairs with the Fuji X-E1

Street Photography Pairs with the Fuji X-E1

I was out shooting some street photography earlier today with my trusty little Fuji X-E1 and I noticed that I had taken a lot of portrait orientation shots. As I was sorting through the shots I noticed that all the vertical images paired up nicely, so I thought I’d do a set of paired images, just for the fun of it. All of these were taken around the streets of Dublin city, using a Fujifilm X-E1 with a combination of the Fuji 35mm and the 18–55XF lenses. It was a lovely fresh Autumn morning and I was there early so the city was coming to life with the fresh energy of a new day, and for some reason I just had a really good time shooting. While these aren't award winning images by any stretch, I did catch a few quirky sights around the city. I'll post some more shots from this shoot over on my Photoblog. Processing was done in Lightroom, using various presets as the starting point. There’s a combination of VSCO Film 01, 02 and 04 in there. The VSCO presets work really well with the Fuji sensor, especially if you want to create an authentic film look. I’ve started using VSCO 2 a bit more lately, and I’m really liking the look of the Fuji Superia film presets. I don’t think that I’ve ever shot with that in actual film.

To create the two up images, I used the print module in Lightroom. The print module has a handy option to print to a file, so I set up my options and printed all the images out. The only thing I had to do then was bring them into Photoshop and scale them down a bit. I also had to adjust the black levels a bit as for some reason they were set up slightly (I probably had something set wrong in Lightroom.

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I am a fine art Photographer and do not shoot commercial projects. I do my best to keep this site regularly updated with lots of tips, reviews, news and photography advice, all for free. If you like what you read here and want to help support the site, then please consider buying a Print, checking out my Lightroom Presets

Random Acts of Photography - Street Photography Update Edition

Random Acts of Photography - Street Photography Update Edition

Introducing Steely Blue for Lightroom

Introducing Steely Blue for Lightroom